As I was knitting merrily along on the baby wallaby I decided to stop and count the stitches on my
needles to see if I had been decreasing properly. I counted. Oops! It came out to 103-an odd number. Not good. Well, I knew that it should be an even number so I checked the directions just to make sure. Whoops! It said I should have 252 stitches on my needles. What did I do wrong??? I recounted, and double checked the directions. Nope. There was something seriously wrong. Did I decrease too rapidly? It looked okay. The hole was large enough for a two-year old head. But the directions said I missed something.

I should have left it for a while and come back to it later but I was so sure I had made a big mistake that I started to rip. And rip I did--for miles, it seemed--until the arms fell off. Then I counted again. Whoa! There was no way I even started with 152 stitches much less ended with that many after decreasing every other row for 20 rows. All of a sudden it dawned on me. I was reading the wrong directions! Arggh! Always staple, glue, tape or clip the adult sweater directions shut while working on a baby sweater. When making a baby wallaby never follow the directions for the adult size. It will throw you for a loop. BTW I still have an odd number of stitches.

I had a picture of the puddle of yarn on the camera, but alas, it's gone. I guess H thought I had enough pics of yarn and yarn projects and that I didn't need any more. She must have deleted them while working her internet store. And now, thankfully, I'm way past that point and am on the homestretch (again!)

So instead, I'll show you some of the scenery we pass by to get to L's school. Pretty awesome, don't you think? It makes the walk very pleasant. But of course, in order to get such beauty we have to have the rain that goes with it.

But it really is worth it. It may rain everyday for a few weeks but rarely does it rain all day. We usually have a few hours of sun to even things out.
You really need to start gardening. Those are some really nice plant combinations you have pictured.
humph! I will show you pictures (soon ) of my Gardenia. It has green leaves. And brown leaves. And yellow leaves. And dead, bare sticks instead of branches. Oh, and no flowers at all. BTW mama dove has gone fishing this morning...two babies are looking around and do they look fat!
Oh, show us pics of the doves!
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