Every day LJ goes to the barn to muck out five or so stalls in exchange for a stall for her horse Gypsy. Some days she takes H with her to "work" her horse after her chores are done. It's not my idea of a fun time (it kind of smells there) but she enjoys it and it is good exercize. 

It also keeps her very busy. Every day after school she's there for more than an hour and then some, when she wants to do a little training. Right now Gypsy is learning to jump. L puts poles down on the ground and Gypsy is suppose to know enough to step over them. When she's good at that L makes her go a little faster. So far the poles haven't gottern raised. But I suppose that's coming.
What do I do until she's done? Sometimes I go home and come back again when she phones. Sometimes I sit and wait. And what do I do while I wait? Guess.
I can't really see the fun in that either. I think an iris show would be more fun. Or a corn maze, or even an organic chemistry class. Or maybe I should start another crochet project. Nah, not in the summer. I think H should take a class in computer programming and take LJ with her sometimes.
I see H hasn't gotten my note that is below your archive list ;)
give me a crossword puzzle. please
hi katz
I just wrote a great comment...and it went away. Maybe I'll get the hang of it soon.
Gypsy can jump, mom. she has been doing that for a while! shes really good and she can canter too.
yeah mom where have you been????? she can jump really high too! and she's really good at it. i've even jumped her bareback. she likes jumping. thats not what she's learning! right now she's learning to not pop her shoulder out an go where ever she wants.
right now she's RE-learning to canter on the left lead.. or is it the right? *rolls eyes*
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