Earlier this week I decided that I would start to do some weekly chores regularly. Like vacuum the house or clean the bathrooms. Two of the things I wanted to do on Saturday were to work in the garden :) and vacuum the van. Well, to vacuum the van you need to clean it out. Usually only B and I travel in it. Two of the kids have their own cars, take the other two with them and rarely travel with B and me anymore except on trips. So, it shouldn't be too much of a problem, right? Oh, yeah? You should have seen what I took out of that van! You would have thought I was going to set up a traveling pharmacy. Take a look. A good look, because that is the last you're going to see such a collection from MY van! I found oodles of trash--a given, five heat curlers, deodorant, toothpaste--given to T for our trip to Carolina in May, hand sanitizer, a de-icer for the windshield, three plastic forks, flora-life for the flowers, two hair elastics, two bottles of hand cream, three pacs of dental floss, hair conditioner, hair defrizzer (we all have long hair-but no hairbrushes or combs), hair clip, five books, a Bible and a hymn book, five fold-up maps, three book maps--two local and one continent, one pop-up map of Vancouver, dozens of pens, three small notebooks, two notepads, a starbucks cup from the holidays, a water bottle, an M&M chocolate peanut, a Smartie, one lost grape now found, a pair of scissors, one sewing kit, a spool of white thread with two threaded needles, two necklaces (home-made, must not have been good enough to wear), three pacs of soy sauce, four packets of sugar, cargo net--impossible to use, tire chains--to be removed now that it is summer, hockey mask, baseball glove, one pair of socks, two and a half pairs of shoes--(she better find the other one--they're her good pair!), a camera for taking pictures of car accidents, a large black bag for pop cans, key to the front door of our old house (we've been here over a year), CPR mask, dozens of napkins--stash from various restaurants, one half of a clothes pin (??? I don't even use clothespins!), Ron and Tami's memory card from Burbank (to be given to them at W2), a package of pamphlets--to be given to Sam at W2), a kid's stencil, an eraser, dozens of pens, a remote garage door clip, Ace bandage clips (2), letters and b-day cards from the kids' friends, two tire pressure gauges, wrapper from a Subway sandwich, box of chalk (??I thought they were done with that stuff 10 years ago!), four bandannas, LJ's immunization record, gospel tracts, red poppy from Remembrance Day (Veterans' Day--November 11), ear buds for a hand free phone, garbage Tag for the city of Richmond--useless for us, but worth $2 or$4, change purse--with money!!!, cassette tapes of all the meetings at Carolina Conference, eight music CDs, two vests, an umbrella, one only of a pair of earplugs, a finger messager (it's that round blue spiral thingy at the bottom of the pic--gotten on Granville Island on our anniversary last month from a street vendor) and four brass rings.
My plan of attack is to bar the kids from the van forever--well, maybe til our next trip.
Where's my chapstick?
Did you find my scissors yet?
I finally vacuumed tonight and found another pen and two more hair elastics. No chapstick. And only one pair of scissors.
But you lined everything up so nicely! I need to do the garage. I was waiting for Ta to take her car and then for June Gloom. Ta took her car but it has been unseasonably hot here. Maybe June Gloom will come next week.
I was so happy to get my money back! i didnt realise i had lost it ha ha!
all money found is mine not heidi's.
I always claimed all money found in the laundry. Consider it pay for a job well done.
I do too. I got $1.25 last week and I never told.
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