Friday, July 28, 2006

Feet(?) Baby Shower

Last night there was a double baby shower and Mom C managed to pull off a surprise by having each of "her girls" help her with a shower for the other! It worked! Apparently, at one point Joyous told her husband that it would be a good way to surprise the other. Yes, she actually thought of it herself! But she never caught on that that was exactly what her MIL was planning. As Mom C was working on these two little boy outfits she told them, by turn, that it was for the other sister-in-law. (Both had/are having boys).

Here's what happens when you give the camera to your "responsible" daughters at a baby shower. (The first pic is mine). They have this thing about feet and every time they get together with their friends they compare feet. Only this time there were old feet as well!

There were many more, but I'll not bore you.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Aunt Ruth

Aunt Ruth is really unwell. E-mail me or phone if you want to know what's wrong. If not, at least pray for her and Mum (who has the care of her). Tomorrow we go to the clinic to find out the best course of treatment.

Sunday, July 23, 2006


These girls look very sweet and innocent, don't they? Well, looks can be very deceiving, let me tell you! What is it about Lassen that brings out the "best" in them? I think it's sort of like having a substitue teacher--even the good kids have a rip-roaring time.
Here's what they'll do when your back is turned and you're in the kitchen. They called themselves the KLAN (in the picture they are NALK) and this is how they showed C how much they appreciated her and all she did for them.
Thankfully, their counselor C is a very good sport!!!
And no, they did not get away with it. Were they ever shocked when Kedge walked in and ask them to hand over the seran!

Saturday, July 22, 2006

What Life is Made of

The air conditioner in our van broke while we were on holidays (Brit Speak). No problem since it wasn't too hot on the Oregon Coast. We took it in to the dealership yesterday-on probably the hottest day on record in BC It was close to 40 degrees Celsius ( about 100 F for those of you who don't convert). When we went to pick it up we turned it on. No go. Arrgh!
B.C. rarely gets hot so heat is one thing we cannot tolerate. To console ourselves we went to Starbucks where things didn't go so well there either. They charged LK $1.50 too much. They ran out of cafe con leche mix and couldn't make the coffee I asked for. They almost gave me two oat fudge bars when I only ordered one. (!) Poor Felix had to stay home and sweat it out on the couch.

Well, I brought back the van this AM and walked home. And now they just called with an update. Which usually means more money. And it did! Another $105!!! But that's another looong story. Very frustrating, to say the least. Another test of Christian graces displayed!!

Thought I would give you an update on the latest Wallaby. I'm a little further along than this because while we were at Aunt Ruth and Gran's visiting I was able to knit up a storm. The arms are now attached and the shoulders are shaping up. That means there are few mistakes. Notice I did not say there were no mistakes! At least they are not glaring enough for me to frog.

Aunt Ruth is not doing too well. She went in for a CT scan yesterday to find out why her arm is paining her so much. No info yet.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Missing Stuff. Is it Yours?

Whose are these? If you know please tell me. We brought these back from Lassen last week and have been trying to find owners ever since. One of the kids says that a sleeping bag belongs to someone in Walla Walla. The sheets and blankets and towels and blue sleeping bag remain anonymous. If you can help please let me know so there will be no sorrow when someone tries to go camping in the future.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

No Softball Sissies

These girls can play a mean game of softball. You should see them hit! I even think they surprise themselves when they actually connect. It's another story in the outfield. It's kind of funny and cute to watch them.

Some of them make outstanding catches and some of them get the sun in their eyes--so to speak. All in all, it is fun to watch and very entertaining. But you won't catch me out there on display! I had my day thirty years ago. I will say this. These girls are very good sports, to say the least.
Some would rather not play but do their best bossing everyone else around. Ooops! I mean being team captain.

There is always the "Peanut Gallery" who think they know how to play and don't mind telling the hitters and catchers what to do. But you won't find too many of them out there taking any chances on losing their dignity!
Then there's the official "Score-keeper". She's been at it for as many years as I can remember. She won't give up her post even though she's exhausted from having 14+ girls in her cabin keeping her awake at night and monopolizing the shower from 5PM til 4PM (the next day--that's right--she gets it from 4-5 every afternoon!)

Nieces and nephews

We had a crowd in on Sunday night. We had asked Snutch and Tanner to come over to see us before they headed back to the ranch and they brought an entourage with them. We don't mind as long as the house is tidy and there's food to feed them!

I took a few pics of the nieces and nephews and only wished that Gramma and Granpa were in them too. The one on the right is the latest cutie. Look at all that black hair! Apparently his mom and one of his aunts had hair like that as newborns. His mom, as you can see is blond and his aunt is now very blond-almost white.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Till the Cows Come Home--in Tillamook, Oregon

Home Again

B and I got home early this AM-very early-like 1:30AM. We were half way down the Oregon Coast in Lincoln for a short holiday. Kind of a respite. I'm glad we went because it recharged my batteries. I'm ready to go for the long haul.

Right now I'm home with LJ who is sick and I'm listening to the afternoon meeting-(which just ended). They're talking about the five kinds of forgiveness. If you want to know more go here: and listen to the July 15, 2006 afternoon meeting.
Cannon City was the quaintest town. There were flowers everywhere and lots of places to spend your money. I'm not interested in knic-knacks which is what these stores seem to be full of but let me loose in a yarn shop and there is always something I seem to need!

When we were in Lincoln City we ate at the Pier 101. (Highly recommende!) The prime rib was enormous! B said I should have taken a pic of it. It was enough to feed JND his joint for the week. I could not even finish half of mine and still walked away STUFFED.

We had talked of going to Cold Stone for dessert but could barely even think about eating any more. We ended up sharing a scoop because we wanted to at least try it. We missed having some in Leavenworth because it was too early in the AM when we stopped there.

I was to meet B in Oceanside after his bike-ride and on my way there I met these guys! They were actually in someone's front yard enjoying lunch. This was not on a deserted road either. Lots of traffic was going by. They really must be used to people to be able to enjoy the flowers in the garden. Or else they really thought they were tasty and didn't care what people thought.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Timmy H's

This gives a new meaning to "Drive Thru," doesn't it? We'll probably stop here on the way out of town (again) for a cup of coffee. Starbucks gets expensive if you frequent their store everyday even though you have a credit card that gives you $1 Starbucks for every $100 you spend. (I think I would rather have air miles). And after all, Tim's has been around for ages. It's really a Canadian icon. Starbucks is one of those "Johnny Come Latelies". (And we love it!)

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Break Time

We have so much stock to put away right now that it's overwhelming. This is what H does when it gets to be too much. She takes out her pad of paper and a pencil and draws.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Happy Birthday, Johnny!

Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear Johnny! Happy Birthday to you.

I couldn't find a pic of John so did the next best thing. One of his bro and his cuz!

Walla 2 and Beyond

We were encouraged by being in Walla 2. We always are. The brethren there are so kind--Who else would give up their master bedroom, treat you like royalty and then say, "Stay as long as you like". What a temptation! But we needed to move on to Lassen.

So early on Tuesday we picked up LK and H, stopped at Starbucks where we met E and R from Tacoma--(do you really think we were there only to meet E and R? at Starbucks? before a long trip? early in the morning? You're dreaming!) Next we picked up LJ at S's where they have horses, of course.

It's about a 12-14 hour drive to camp for us and usually we just mosey along. And we did just that. For awhile. Half way there we got a call from E and R on our cell phone. "Umm, we're not behind you anymore." Sure enough, we checked our mirrors and couldn't see them.

They had pulled over and transmission fluid was leaking all over the ground. It was a good thing we were with them because their car's transmission blew up. Unbelievably the "Oregon Emergency Response" truck pulled up right away. Because they arrived so quickly someone said, "Ask if they are angels!" After talking with them B and E came back and said, "they're no angels! "We transferred luggage and one girl and, with much urging on their part, left the S's waiting for the tow truck. They got towed seven miles back to Bend and spent the night while we traveled on to Lassen. Thankfully, we met up with them the next day. They had arrived safely.