Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Reyna Shawl

This shawl turned out better than I expected! I often wonder about a project's beauty when I see a skein of yarn. Will this make something beautiful? Or is the beauty all in the skein? What sometimes looks great all wound up often looks like a mess when knitted up. I think this one worked.

I don't usually like garter stitch but for this yarn I was pleased with how it turned out. The yarn overs and knit two together almost did me in but I persevered and was rewarded. 

P.S. Some day I will edit my pictures so that they all turn out the same color. It would help if I took them all at the same time and in the same room with no clouds. Alas, two were taken in BC and one was taken in SK - all with varying degrees of cloudiness, Say la vee.

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