This morning at 5:55 I woke up with tons of energy! Instead of rolling over and going back to sleep I told B that I was going to the meeting room and could he take LJ to school? Well, he heard the school part but thought I had said I would take her! I guess he was half awake. She did get to school o.k. but I think there were a few minutes where the two of them were looking at each other and wondering where I was. I almost always take LJ to school so it left them puzzled for a bit.
I've started to walk again. The weather has been just too beautiful to stay indoors all day. The girls do a lot of running and a lot of horseback riding but those things just aren't for me. I would rather walk. Sometimes I take the Loop which is about 3km (2mi) and is just about right for me. Other times I walk to Starbucks and reward myself with a latte.
But my best walk is the one to the lake by our house. I can do this walk in about 20 minutes if I walk around the lake twice so it's not a real invigorating jaunt. That's why I take my knitting and my crossword puzzle book along with me. You see, benches have been placed strategically around the lake inviting you to rest. Even if you don't need a rest. And no, I didn't time the 20 minutes while I was sitting down! I did the walk first and the next time I went out took advantage of the benches. While sitting there this last time an old man and his wife sat down next to me. I scooted over to give them room and he thanked me. They were so cute! He in his turban (they were East Indian) and she in her sari. When his wife was situated he got up and made a jaunt around the pond, and after checking on her, made another loop.
You see she was quite ill and had to use a walker to get around. Even with the walker you could see that it was a struggle. It was very touching to see the concern that old man had for his wife and the concessions that he made for her.
So this didn't end up being a quick post. And it's almost lunch time. So much for work. One needs a slave driver for a boss or at least a time card.