Saturday, February 03, 2007

Coronet Progress

I quit the coronet for a while because I'm not happy with how it's rolling up. The cable band is suppose to turn up at the edge but when I do roll it up the backside of the knitting shows. That would be the "wrong" side of the stockinette stitch. And I don't like it. So for now the hat sits while I contemplate the next step. Probably, I'll go back to Kate the Kitten for now since the pressure is off on that one. In case you were wondering...I thought of trying to get it done for BB's birthday but decided against putting a time limit on myself. My BP just can't take that kind of senseless and unnecessary pressure. Maybe by her second birthday? That's not too much pressure since that's almost a year away. Actually, things are moving along. I was at Michael's and picked up some soft batting to stuff her with (CRINGE!!-sorry, Mom).

1 comment:

Jailgy said...

This is pretty, though I can't imagine what it will look like when done. It looks soft, is it?