Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Our Unusual Winter Snow

We've had some snow. It's not been too bad this time, but I really like it when I don't have to go out. Today was not one of those days. Instead I hoped that the roads would be clear. And they were. But it was freezing cold! Since I like to park in the economy lot (that turned out to not be so "economy") I had to walk. It would have been better if I had been more prepared with a hat. At least I had my gloves and boots. All said and done and back to the warehouse with my NEXUS intact. Yes, we can finally go over the border without those incessant waits. That is if we have no commercial goods. Hmm.

I almost didn't make it for January's birthstone color project. But here is the progress on EZ's baby sweater from the top down. The color is not true. Just think of a very pretty cranberry red.

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