Monday, December 10, 2007

Working on Topaz - November's Replacement

You can tell by the sense I was making on my last post just how sleep deprived I was. I don't go to sleep at night until all my kids are home. If I manage to drowse off while waiting up, I often start myself awake just listening for them. So I do like it if they all get in before midnight. I would do better just to stay in bed because once I'm on the computer there is so much that "needs" attention that it's hard to get off.

On the way to the barn last Friday Heidi needed to buy feed for her horse. I'm never one to miss a golden opportunity so took out my hank of yarn to wind into a ball. The rearview mirror, as you can see, has more than one use.

When we got to LJ's work, yet another barn, I kept Heidi busy helping me to wind it all into a ball while waiting for LJ to finish work.
I've been thinking that it seems I spend a lot of time knitting but really it is just taking (or seizing!) the opportunities I have - the spare moments - that would otherwise be wasted just waiting.

On the needles is another sock.

A little more "On the Way to Europe".

Coming up next: Turquoise.

1 comment:

Gramma said...

Knitting does fill in with that that is worth while. You end up with something to show for your efforts. I'm still working on a little (size 4) yellow sweater that I had to rip apart because the neck hole was too small. It's now big enough to get a head off to the ribbing. It's COLD here...35 degrees.