HH is about to become a big sister. That baby will be the first of four to arrive this summer in our local assembly. Already baby showers are coming fast and furious. Even though most of them are not first babies, we've never had showers for their moms before. Whew, we're going to be busy! (and no more "fighting" over who gets to hold the baby!)
We expect to see
Snootch at J and J's barbeque this Saturday. I think he's dropping off #5 to help J and J when the baby is born and staying for a week himself.
we have too many kids in our mtg....
Just remember, LeAnne...they are the future. Of your assembly, of your family, of your life! hehehehe
AND It's pronounced SNUTCH
LeAnne, circa 2000:
"We don't have ANY kids in our mtg. Hurry up J."
Do J and J have a blog? i know my sister would love to know about it if they do.
No, we don't.
The closest thing would be my website (linked above), but I haven't actually gotten around to updating it in years.
-J, of J&J.
Aww... to J&J's lack of a blog.
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