Wednesday, May 18, 2016


I'm one of those people who is terribly irked by the use of your for you're, their for they're or even there for they're. Come on, people! Get your act together and think! It's really not rocket science. Sound it out even! Un-contract the word. (There. I've made another word.)You're is you are. Simple.

But if you can't be bothered to think. Hehe. Then, here. I've invented a new word! Yourre. And put the apostrophe at the end. That's easy. Yourre'. Or even two. Yourre". Or even somewhere in the middle. And use it for both.

 I think it will help to solve the dilemma many have trying to figure out weather to use your or you're.

Your're welcome.

The beginnings of my latest hexie creation:


Jailgy said...

I don't know whether you are under the weather or making a point, but...

knitterykate said...

Haha! Got me. It's was inadvertent.

knitterykate said...

So was that! Why is it that when we are trying to look and sound smart that we aren't?