Friday, December 28, 2007
Leg Warmers

Monday, December 17, 2007
"While They're Young"

Four of the girls sitting in the big kids' circle are a few of the original singers. Since this tape was made about 13 years ago that makes one of them only three years old. Note: Chloe, the girl in the pink hat, is the daughter of one of the original singers.
The only disclaimer we have is that they were very young and not professional--please excuse the off-key singing. But if you want a copy of the tape let me know.
While looking for another ball to break up a fight, this very old and archaic tape was found in the meeting room closet. Our resident DJ Jonathan thought that it would be simply fabulous to play this over the PA system.
Apparently children like music, any kind of music and they flocked one by one into the main room and found chairs for the performance.
PS: LK was my guest editor today.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Monday, December 10, 2007
Working on Topaz - November's Replacement

On the way to the barn last Friday Heidi needed to buy feed for her horse. I'm never one to miss a golden opportunity so took out my hank of yarn to wind into a ball. The rearview mirror, as you can see, has more than one use.

When we got to LJ's work, yet another barn, I kept Heidi busy helping me to wind it all into a ball while waiting for LJ to finish work.
Sunday, December 09, 2007

Friday, December 07, 2007
Getting Ready For Europe

Nepal Knitting

Monday, December 03, 2007
He Really Does Earn His Keep or Working Together