Monday, June 05, 2006

Iris Show

My mother loves flowers and gardening, and irises in particular.

While riding in her car when I was a teenager she suggested that we go to the Irish Show! Who wants to go see the Irish in Oakland, California? I had visions of green men walking around pinching anyone who wasn't wearing green, visions of leprechauns dancing the jig, and visions of tables and stalls set up with mugs and gaudy Irish souvenirs. That did not sound like a fun time to me.

But it got worse. After many attempts to help my teenaged intellect understand I finally realized that she wanted to go to an IRIS Show! Ahh! Flowers??? But, no, thank-you. I was not interested in spending a free Saturday looking at flowers. I don't remember what happened next, but I probably sat in the car while she and my sisters went into the show and enjoyed the phenomenal beauty of one of God's most lovely flowers. Now that I am older I can very much appreciate Irises. In fact, they have become my very favorite flower. I'm becoming my mother. (But I still don't garden!)


Jailgy said...

Are those your iris? They are sure beautiful. Ours are done blooming for the first round.

knitterykate said...

No, I saw a garden full of irises on the way home from Laura's school. She groaned when I stopped and turned the car around to get the picture. (She also does that when I stop at knitting stores).

SAJ said...

Irises are easy to grow... at least in my mom's garden it seems so. Her row of irises just keep expanding and expanding... I'm sort of hoping they will take over her entire yard.