I collect reference books. If you want to know all the acceptable two letter words for Scrabble I have a book that will tell you. If you want to know about wolves, mountain climbing, knitting or golf I've got a book for you. My whole family likes books. Now we have too many books. They are spilling out of the bookshelves. I've tried to get rid of a few recently. But how do you cull a bookshelf that has already been culled many times before?

Maybe my kids will move out and I can fill a box with books for a going away present. (Edit: they did move out but did not take (m)any books with them - at least none that I can see.)
I have thought of turning one of the rooms of the house into a library. A cozy chair, a nice bright light and a warm afghan. My idea of bliss. I could stay in for the winter. Oops! Bruce just suggested going for a walk.

I started a new program.
1. Do not go to the library.
2. Read through your own library.
3. Methodically go through the bookcases culling books you haven't read but want to read.
4. Set them in a special place.
5. Read the books one by one.
6. If you can't get through it, give it away. Do not save for another day when you might be interested in it.
7. If you find a book that you value, keep it and put it in a cleaned out bookshelf (read: empty)
8. If you can do without it, get rid of it by putting it right into a box to give away.
9. Go through the bookcase again and give away all kids' books (that don't belong to your kids) to someone who can really appreciate them.

I'm using this as reference.
Hmm, it's a library book.